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Minimum Scale Suburban Lots 1:200
Rural Lots 1:500 plus 1:200 for Building Platform
Location of buildings (external walls - solid, overhangs - dashed)
Clearances to boundaries (including canals, foreshores, and rivers) and easements dimensioned to outermost projection (walls and fascia)
Any existing buildings (shaded)
Boundary dimensions and bearings (complying with the site plan on the title deed or R.P.)
North point
Real property description
Street name(s)
Location and purpose of any easements
Gross enclosed floor area (m²)
Site cover (%) (if required by Local Government)
Scale of plan
Spot levels (at four corners and two at kerb for suburban lots)
Contours (sketched from levels)
Intervals 0.50 m generally, 1.00 m for steep sites
Over dwelling pad only for rural sites
Building platform levels, floor levels (including maximum flood levels when applicable)
Location of existing fill (of depth greater than 600 mm)
Extent of cut, fill and batters (if applicable)
Location, type, and maximum height of retaining walls
Driveway location and gradient (max. 1:4 with allowance for transitions)
Covered, uncovered car parking spaces on site
Location of swimming pool (including fencing and pump motor)
Location of any water storage tanks, septic tanks, alternate sewage systems, and disposal trenches
The location of any trees that are to be:
Protected and retained
The location and depth of connection points for services (if available):
Water and Sewer
Electricity and Gas
Location of any manholes and underground services on the site
External paved areas (if not shown on floor plan)
Location of 6 metre and 12 metre truncations on corner sites (if required)
Buildings on adjacent sites within 1.5 metres of buildings on site